Tag Archives: Games

CV Tip #115 (Angry Video Game Nerd)

15 Oct

Again, remember the interests section on a CV is there as the final selling opportunity for you as a potential employee.

Never forget this, lest you end up with this kind of thing making you repellant to only a few firms:

Gaming has always been a huge part of my life. I currently own most consoles including retro as well as new, and I can adapt to most game styles as my collection of games include at least three games from each game genre’

Yes, we all enjoy the odd round of Call of Duty from time to time but will never discuss it whilst job hunting.

CV Tip #96 (Dungeons & Dragons)

1 Jun

I really cannot emphasise enough the care needed in how much detail you put under your personal interests at the bottom of a CV. Some employers read all the way to the bottom you know.

If you must, ‘role playing games’ would have sufficed here:

‘I enjoy a wide variety of music, the arts and sci-fi and fantasy literature. I have guided small groups of adventurers through some of the more dangerous areas of Azeroth.’

CV Tip #15 (First loser)

13 Apr

A snippet from a gentleman’s stint in telesales:

‘I once came second in a competition to see who could sell the most products in a week, with the winner being awarded with a holiday.’

Fucking brilliant. What else have you not achieved in life? Winning the lottery? Getting your dick wet by a broad from The Only Way Is Essex? Playing for England in the World Cup? Irrelevant information for a potential employer to look over will only wind them up.