Tag Archives: Fast Food

Fast Food Nation (2006 dir. Richard Linklater)

14 Jan

Burger guru struggles to create ways to market a shit platter to kids.


CV Tip #70 (Casablanca)

18 Oct

Could this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, when you’ve worked at McDonald’s and have ‘Gained customer staff relationship‘?

Funnily enough, when I order fast food from my local McDonald’s, I’m usually keen to get the hell out of that dump as soon as possible. The last thing I want is to forge a fucking relationship of any kind with the guy that’s just cooked my Big Mac.

Supersize Me (2004 dir. Morgan Spurlock)

18 Apr

Groundbreaking documentary sees greedyguts reveal to an unsuspecting world that eating junk food relentlessly is bad for your health.
