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CV Tip #16

5 Dec

Always spell your own fucking name right on an electronic application form, especially if the name only has five letters.

“Louis I have to push for an answer. Which one of these contestants is most likely to lose a foot to diabetes in the next ten years?”

5 Dec

Definitely worth having a final sing-off

“Catch the falling cheese burgers Mary! LOL only joking, I’ve called security to have you escorted from the premises.”

5 Dec

Big boned, and the bones are covered in meat and old skin

“Yesssss! Another week where I don’t have to beg my wealthy and disappointed parents for pocket money!”

5 Dec

For one week, no more painting

“We wear silly clothes to disguise how lacklusture and lazy our latest single is.”

5 Dec

Effort, but not in the creation of sing songery

Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs (2009)

5 Dec

Profoundly gifted scientific genius is made to feel guilty by sadsack Dad with short legs.


Mad Max 2 (1981)

5 Dec

Sadistic hockey fan stuns wastelanders by maintaining competitive bodybuilding physique without access to gym or supplements.


“OK motherfuckers, get ready for my hand to come away from the mic! I just hope all the seats here are bolted down.”

5 Dec

What will she think of next?

“Just strumming along on my guitar using power chords that would take any simpleton a week to learn! I am a serious musical artist.”

5 Dec

Just wait until he does a solo